korinzia toniolo


I'm Korinzia Toniolo

I am a post-doctoral research fellow at the House of Innovation in the Department of Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Technology at the Stockholm School of Economics. My research primarily focuses on technology and innovation management, with a specific emphasis on Artificial Intelligence technologies. A passion for emerging technology, interdisciplinarity, and continuous learning is the hallmark of my academic and professional journey. 

About Me

I graduated with a Ph.D. in Management from the University of Bologna in June 2024. Before joining the Stockholm School of Economics, I had the enriching experience of being a visiting Ph.D. student at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Additionally, I worked as a post-doctoral research fellow at the Department of Management at the University of Bologna, where I contributed to the digital twin project of the city of Bologna. In my dissertation research, entitled “Assimilating AI in Organizations: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of the Adoption and Implementation Challenge,” I use qualitative methods to explore the adoption and implementation of Artificial Intelligence in private organizations. 

Before beginning my academic journey, I worked as a research fellow at the Department of Management at Ca’ Foscari University in Italy and served as a digital change consultant for small and medium-sized enterprises in northern Italy. As I transition into the job market, I am enthusiastic about applying the skills and insights garnered throughout my academic journey to contribute to new projects and explore stimulating ideas that can have an impact on the world we live in. I firmly believe that everyone can be a change agent, and even a small drop in the ocean can make a difference.

I say unto you: one must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star“, Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra


technology and innovation management, artificial intelligence, qualitative research


“Prerequisites and Hurdles in Embracing AI Innovations within Corporate Settings: Extending the TOE and TOP frameworks” – work-in-progress paper from Ph.D. thesis

“Walking the AI Talk:  Unveiling the Path to AI Implementation in Companies” – work-in-progress paper from Ph.D. thesis

Toniolo, K., Sobrero, M., “Navigating AI assimilation: AI Vendors and Corporate Users’ Standpoints on Key Adoption Challenges for Private Firms”, submitted to the call for chapters for the upcoming “The Palgrave Handbook of Breakthrough Technologies in Contemporary Organisations”.

Lipparini, A., Sobrero, M., Toniolo K., “Teaching to learn and learning to teach: using machine training to develop artificial intelligence partners in organizations” – presented at EURAM Conference 2023 held in Dublin, Ireland.

Toniolo, K., Masiero, E., Garlatti Costa, G., Bortoluzzi, G., “Aligning the data strategy to the ecosystem’s management: the case of  Wärtsilä” – presented at R&D Management Conference 2022 held in Trento, Italy.


Conference paper in Proceedings:  Toniolo, K., (2023), “Artificial Intelligence adoption: a pluralistic process of knowledge accumulation”, presented at the 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 4-8 August, Boston, MA.

Case Study:  Sobrero, M., Toniolo, K., (2021), “Friends or Foes? Introducing AI-based Systems in SMEs”, The Case Centre, Case-Reference no. 321-0329-1, https://casecent.re/p/180180

Conference paper in Proceedings: Goetzinger, C., Toniolo, K., Treur, J. (2021) “An Adaptive Network Model of the Role of the Gut-Brain Axis in Parkinson’s Disease”, presented at the 3rd International Conference on Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems (MLIS 2021), November 8th-11th, 2021, Xiamen, China (online format). Published in Tallón-Ballesteros, A.J. (Ed.) “Modern Management Based on Big Data II and Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems III. Proceedings of MMBD 2021 and MLIS 2021”, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications (FAIA), ISBN 978-1-64368-224-2 (online), ISSN 1879-8314 (online), IOS Press.

Journal article Toniolo, K., Masiero, E., Massaro, M. and Bagnoli, C. (2020), “A grounded theory study for digital academic entrepreneurship”, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, Vol. 26 No. 7, pp. 1567-1587. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJEBR-06-2019-0402

Journal article Massaro, M., Bagnoli, C., Ruzza, D., Toniolo, K. (2020) “Business Models for Accelerators. A Structured Literature Review”, Journal of Business Models. 10.5278/ojs.jbm.v8i2.3032

Book chapter Toniolo K., Masiero E., Massaro M., Bagnoli C. (2020) “Sustainable Business Models and Artificial Intelligence: Opportunities and Challenges”. In: Matos F., Vairinhos V., Salavisa I., Edvinsson L., Massaro M. (eds) Knowledge,People, and Digital Transformation. Contributions to Management Science. Springer, Cham. DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-40390-4_8 Online ISBN 978-3-030-40390-4 Print ISBN 978-3-030-40389-8

Conference paper in Proceedings:
Toniolo, K., Ruzza, D., Massaro, M., Bagnoli, C. (2019) “A Business Model for Accelerators: A Structured Literature Review”, presented at the AIDEA Conference 2019, 12th-13th September, University of Turin, Italy. Published in Culasso, F. and Pizzo, M. (Eds) “Identity, innovation and impact of Italian business administration and management – Inside the digital economy. Proceedings of the XXXIX National AIDEA Conference – Turin, 12th and 13th September 2019”, ISBN: 9788875901387.

Conference paper in Proceedings:
Ruzza, D., Toniolo, K., Bagnoli, C., Massaro, M. (2019) “The Role of Blockchain for the Transformation of Business Models”, presented at the AIDEA Conference 2019, 12th-13th September, University of Turin, Italy. Published in Culasso, F. and Pizzo, M. (Eds) “Identity, innovation and impact of Italian business administration and management – Inside the digital economy. Proceedings of the XXXIX National AIDEA Conference – Turin, 12th and 13th September 2019”, ISBN: 9788875901387.


2022 - 2023:

Instructor for high school students at MAST Foundation (Bologna, Italy).

MAST Foundation is an international, cultural and philanthropic institution, founded by Coesia Group, a group of companies specialised in highly innovative industrial and packaging solutions.

Project title:  ”Expeditions”, six-days courses targeted to high schools students with the aim of developing innovative ideas on sustainability, artificial intelligence, packaging design. Tutor for MBA students at Bologna Business School (Bologna, Italy)

Course title:  ”Managing Innovation in the Digital Age”, Global MBA (EQUIS accredited), held by Professor Maurizio Sobrero.

2020 - 2023:

Teaching Assistant for MSc students at University of Bologna (Bologna, Italy).

 Course title:  ”Business plan”, MSc in Economics and Management, held by Professor Daniela Bolzani.

Course title:  ”Economics and Management of Innovation”, MSc in Engineering Management, held by Professor Maurizio Sobrero.

2018 - 2019:

Teaching Assistant for MSc students at Ca’ Foscari University (Venice, Italy).

Course title:   “Business Model Innovation”, MSc in Management and Entrepreneurship, held by Professor Carlo Bagnoli.

Impact and interests

Grants and prizes


Ph.D. thesis award received by the Bank of Bologna (Italy) for doctoral theses highlighting potential social impact on the territory of the city of Bologna [https://magazine.unibo.it/archivio/2024/04/23/premio-phd-bologna-ai-dottorandi-dell2019alma-mater]


Marco Polo scholarship for conducting research abroad by the University of Bologna (Italy).


University of Bologna (Italy) Ph.D. grant.


EU Erasmus+ scholarship for a traineeship in Paris (France) during the bachelor’s studies.

2009 – 2015:

Ca’ Foscari University (Venice, Italy) scholarship for bachelor’s degree and master’s degree studies.

In the media

Contribution to ASQ Blog:

“Dattée, Arrègle, Barbieri, Lawton & Angwin (2022). The dynamics of organizational autonomy: Oscillations at Automobili Lamborghini” – ASQ Blog
https://asqblog.com/2024/04/12/dattee-arregle-barbieri-lawton-angwin-2022-the-dynamics-of-organizational-autonomy-oscillations-at-automobili-lamborghini/], 12/04/2024

Contributions to Italian online magazine “Agenda Digitale”:

Drawing from my PhD research and field observations, I write articles tailored for the general public, aiming to bridge the gap between academic findings and broader understanding. These pieces delve into the multifaceted realm of artificial intelligence (AI) and its diverse applications across various sectors. Through exploring the intersection of technology and industry, I show the promises and hurdles encountered in the real-world adoption of AI, informed by firsthand experiences gathered during my field research.

Natural Language Processing and Unstructured Knowledge:

Transforming the company with NLP and AI: advantages and challenges – Agenda Digitale
[https://www.agendadigitale.eu/industry-4-0/trasformare-lazienda-con-nlp-e-ia-vantaggi-e-sfide/], 13/03/2024

AI’s integration in the construction industry:

Construction and digital: this is how AI is entering construction sites – Agenda Digitale [https://www.agendadigitale.eu/mercati-digitali/edilizia-e-digitale-cosi-lia-sta-entrando-anche-nei-cantieri/], 28/06/2023

AI’s role in pharmaceutical research:
AI in pharmaceutical research: promising applications and risks – Agenda Digitale [https://www.agendadigitale.eu/sanita/lia-nella-ricerca-farmaceutica-le-applicazioni-promettenti-i-rischi/], 02/05/2023

AI’s supporting sales agents:

AI will not replace medical representatives, but it can assist them: here’s how – Agenda Digitale [https://www.agendadigitale.eu/cultura-digitale/lia-puo-aiutare-ma-non-sostituira-gli-informatori-scientifici-ecco-perche/], 28/03/2023

Personal interests:


Contemporary art

Hip hop
